Mt.ShirosunaYama 2140m
Jun.15-16. 2002.
Member: Ichikawa, Fukazawa, Harada, Takada, Mayumi-Hatori, Nakatuka, Ishikawa, Kumagai,
Kakinuma, Mari-Hatori, Sono, Yamazaki, Ishizawa

Jun.15 PM 1:00, Ichikawa, Fukazawa, Harada, Takada, Mayumi-Hatori, Nakatuka, Ishikawa and Kumagai
gathered. Then we purches food, but I found my car Forester's one tire punctured. it took time.
13:30 our cars started to mountain. We arrived Nozori lake via Shibukawa. It took 10 minutes
to the tent site. we used two trolleys to bring our baggage. we settled 3 tents there.
But it was rain so barbecue might not be possible. Somehow we found minimum space adjoining to
a cooking house,and we set vinyl sheets as a roof there. Therefore we could barbecue well.
Thanks to all members for cooperation. The dinner was pork meat, sausage, squid, vegetables
and finally YakiSoba. We drank many japanese sake liqueur. During this dinner party it was heavy rain.
Rest members Kakinuma, Mari-Hatori, Sono, Yamazaki and Ishizawa arrived here at 22:30.
We made twice barbecue, and everybody slept at 12:00.

Jun. 16. 5:30 we got up. we cleaned last night's cooking tools and took breakfast.
The weathers was relatively good. We saw Nozori lake. (Yesterday, we could not see it.)
We feel here as a good vista point. After breakfast, we put out tents away, and returned to
the parking place. Then we moved to the staring point of the climbing trail.
We started to climb at 7:40. Taday, I felt some members would hurry very much, so I kept my
pace and lacated at the last of our members. As I thought before, it took only 30 minutes compared
with the standard time 50 minutes. Sometimes we saw snow remaining around the mountain trail.
I arrived at DouiwaYama 9:20. Immediately, the top started. I waited our last members, then I also
started 9:40. I hurried too. From DoiwaYama, there are not so many trees, so the view was fine.
However, white gas appeared and interfered the sight. When I arrived the col, I found the top members
are climbing far upper point. I also exerted myself to climb. then I found the last members were in the col.
When I went over the final steep slope. I found the summit. I arrived the summit at 10:30.
Top members arrived at 10:15. Unfortunately, I could not see the mountain view due to white gas.
However, we can occupied the small summit by ourselves.
We started to go down 11:00. Since top members would hurry. I decided to go at last.
It was hard for me to climb back again because I lost my vigor. It took more time to DoiwaYama
than goingup time. Well, I could have time to see cherry trees and other flowers. I took long break
time at DoiwaYama. I supposed that top members were running without rest. I thought I could not
reach them. So I went down without hurry. On the way I tried to get water at a fountain. but it was
too far from the mountain trail. I gave up to go to the fountain. I increased the speed from there.
But it took much time to arrive JizouTouge. I was tired for going last upward slope.
Finally I arrived the parking place at 13:40. How fast!. Top members arrived here at 12:40.
We departed here at 14:00. On the way, we went to hot spring and Soba restaurant.
We arrived Kumagaya city at 19:10.

T. Kumagai